What To Do With Return to A-Z Guide
Aerosol cans, not empty
Common products that come in aerosol cans include spray paint, bug spray, WD-40, break cleaner, air freshener, bathroom cleaners, and hairspray. If the cans have any product left in them, take them to Washtenaw County's Home Toxics disposal site for proper disposal.
Recycle Right!
Do not put nonempty aerosol cans in your curbside recycling cart. The hazardous waste/chemicals inside could leak out which creates dangerous conditions for our workers and could contaminate an entire load of recyclables turning them into trash and not recycled. Washtenaw County's Home Toxics disposal site accepts nonempty aerosol cans for proper disposal.
Choose Zero Waste!
Follow the storage instructions on aerosol cans to avoid wastage of any product. Consider seeking out alternative products that don't come in aerosol cans. There are many cleaners and air fresheners that can be made at home with just a few ingredients!
Accepted at:
Recycle Ann Arbor only accepts a very limited number of toxic materials. Washtenaw County’s Home Toxics Reduction Program provides the county residents with a disposal option for the rest of these products.
Saturday Drop-Off service
Dates: April through November. Visit Washtenaw County Home Toxics Reduction Program for current dates.
Hours: visit Washtenaw County Home Toxics Reduction Program for current hours.
For information about this program including location, hours, and materials accepted, visit Washtenaw County Home Toxics Reduction Program or call (734) 222-3950. Weekday drop-off available by appointment.