Drop-Off Services

Secure Shredding Services

Recycle Ann Arbor's Drop-Off Station offers secure shredding and disposal services for documents and hard drives. All documents and hard drives are placed and stored in lock boxes at the Drop-Off Station; items are picked up and shredded offsite. Please make sure to check the Drop-Off Station Price List. for a complete breakdown of all shredding service fees.

Document Shredding Service

  • Prices for this service are based on the number of grocery bags or banker boxes you have.
    Please limit 10 banker boxes per person (per day). If you have more than 10 boxes, please call ahead of time to schedule drop-off. 
  • All customers are required to pay the $3 gate fee.
  • For ease of service, the papers should be stacked flat, not torn or wadded up.
  • Customers are required to stay on site until all their documents are placed securely in the locked box.

Hard Drive Shredding Service

  • Additional fees apply if a Recycle Ann Arbor staff member is required to remove the hard drive for the CPU or Laptop.
  • Customers are required to fill out onsite paperwork recording the serial number of the hard drive.
  • Customers are required to stay on site until all the information is recorded and they have witnessed the hard drive being placed in the lock box.


Seasonal Live Document Shredding Events

Drop-Off Station 2024 Live Shredding Event Schedule:


9 am – 12 pm



9 am – 12 pm


Event Details:

Open to the general public

$6.00 per grocery bag
$8.00 per banker's box

$3 standard DOS gate fee will apply to all customers.
The gate fee includes free drop-off recycling of all traditional recyclables!

Credit Cards Only.


These live shredding events are open to residents and businesses located in Washtenaw County and the surrounding areas. It’s a great opportunity to dispose of your personal and tax-related documents safely. Live shredding is convenient and one of the most economical and safest ways to recycle your paper files and protect your private information!

You can shred up to five (5) regular-sized banker boxes of paper documents for $8 each. If you have more than five (5) regular-sized banker boxes, an additional fee will be assessed. Customers can stay on-site and watch as their documents are loaded into the shredder.

For Pittsfield Twp and Lodi DOS passholders:  

Lodi and Pittsfield Drop-Off Station passholders receive free gate entrance and can shred up to 5 banker boxes of confidential documents for free. Additional boxes will be charged a fee.