What To Do With Return to A-Z Guide

Glass, bottles and jars

Glass bottles and jars (all colors) are accepted in curbside recycling carts and at the Drop-Off Station and Recovery Yard. Glass can be infinitely recycled without losing quality. Caps and lids that can be screwed back onto their original container can be recycled along with it. Even if the cap/lid is not made of the same material, it can still be recycled as long as it is screwed on tightly.

Glass caps and lids accepted vs not accepted image

Recycle Right!

Secure all caps and lids tightly onto their clean and empty original container. Do not put loose metal or plastic caps/lids in curbside carts. Loose caps/lids are too small to make it through the recycling sorting process and will drop through the cracks of the machines, resulting in them being treated as trash and not recycled. Screwing caps/lids back on the container ensures they get recycled! Labels may be left on.


Choose Zero Waste!

Glass bottles and jars can be repurposed as decorative items or useful containers such as pencil cups or seedling starter pots.


Accepted locally for donation at:

Scrap Creative Reuse Ann Arbor accepts clean plastic caps for reuse.

While we do our best to stay updated on alternative reuse and recycling locations, we recommend that you call locations before taking your item(s) to confirm that they currently accept them. 

Accepted at:

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Send us feedback on the A-Z Recycling Guide. Let us know what items you’d like to see added to the guide and your suggestions to improve the guide. Please note, we do not respond to emails received through this feedback form. If you need to speak with someone, email [email protected]. Thanks!