Attention DOS customers: These items are not accepted while the barn is temporarily closed: Lightbulbs, EPS (styrofoam), Plastic bags/film, Antifreeze, Vegetable oil, Motor oil. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

Recycling Tips for Better Results: What to Do with Wood

Recycling Tips for Better Results: What to Do with Wood

June 1st, 2018

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? None, because the woodchuck knows that wood doesn’t belong in the curbside recycling bin!

Although wood is a natural resource, it has no place in a curbside single-stream recycling system. When properly disposed of, wood can be recycled into products commonly used in gardens and outdoor spaces. Additionally, there are many DIY project ideas available that take advantage of using old wooden pallets and other wood pieces.

Why can’t I put wood into the recycling bin?

  • Wood contaminates the recycling stream which is meant to be clean, residue-free, and only made up of items for recycling curbside (paper, plastics, glass, etc.). Wood can be reused or recycled into woodchips/mulch when brought to a proper facility.

If I can’t put it into the recycling bin, where can it go?

  • Old wood pieces or wooden pallets that might be in good condition can be reused or repurposed with a little creative thinking. Many online DIY project ideas exist. However, wood that needs to be disposed of should be brought to our Drop-Off Station (DOS) at 2950 E. Ellsworth Road or our Recovery Yard at 7891 Jackson Road. Untreated wooden pallets and clean wood will be recycled (chipped) into mulch and woodchips. Disposal fees will apply per cubic yard for drop-off.

Stay tuned for July’s “Recycling Tip for Better Results”- Plastic Bags and Plastic Film